Thursday 1 March 2012

Is There A Connection Between NASCAR


Is There A Connection Between NASCAR

I have to admit, thanks to my significant other, I am a converted NASCAR fan. Ok, for a couple of that might sound like a bit of a stretch. How do I know? I've met thousands of Jaguars and heard their stories all over North America.

Unfortunately, a few of the folks leading on the track and even managing the drive don't know what the heck they're doing and are running these valuable resources into ditches, hedges, causing severe accidents with one another and even head-on collisions. They're seeing that in the pit stop, they won't get what they need and be on the kind of track to operate at maximum capacity and might get damaged if they stay too much longer, so they move on! Everyday in corporate America this is happening. Everyday very untrained and in most cases well-meaning managers are managing the Jaguars of your organization. When I think of a Jaguar, I think of a well built, exquisitely engineered, visually sleek vehicle, which just happens to cost a lot of money! It's so special and expensive that in my book only a select few would be ready to touch it, let alone DRIVE IT! If you feel as I do (and I suspect you would), then you'll be shocked when I reveal to you this alarming fact! Everyday in corporate America – kids without lessons are driving Jaguars! Are you shocked? Well, you should be! What. I've heard great examples of effective management training, innovative management initiatives, meaningful employee incentives, healthy and supportive corporate and team cultures. Then (in some cases) upper level management surprisingly responds in a dazed, "hands-off" don't wish to get dirty, don't want to clean up the accident kind of way, leaving those who caused the accident to clean it up with little or no guidance or help. In the meantime, several of the best Jaguars who are still in pretty good shape see that this track is not worth the stay. Throughout our organizations, untrained managers are functioning at a "kids" or elementary level in operating the most expensive capital organizations hold – their human capital! Every single employee of your organization is a Jaguar. Sorry, that's how my mind works. What I mean is without appropriate know-how and effective training it is as if kids are driving Jaguars. In understanding the valuation of human capital, I hope at this point that you consider every single employee of your organization a Jaguar! And no I don't mean a car in the literal sense, but sleek, capable, and ready to take offon the fast track of accomplishments and corporate success operating at full engine capacity. Would you let a kid drive your Jaguar (or NASCAR car) without driving lessons?. It's clear in those cases that those companies are also doing well – employee retention is high (do you know how much money that saves a company?) They are expanding to meet the demands of the marketplace, becoming industry leaders, and maintaining their competitive edge. It's Time to Stock Up the Pit Certainly the news is not all bad! In many cases there is fantastic care of Jaguars going on. But for many this isn't true. Now this statement is NOT meant to insult hard working managers throughout our corporations.


Is There A Connection Between NASCAR

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 01/03/2012


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