Thursday 8 March 2012

Teen driving crashes increase nationally, drop in Oregon


Teen driving crashes increase nationally, drop in Oregon

SEASIDE – What sophomore David Ward and his classmates learn from one course at Seaside High School, could very well save their lives. I feel like this is almost entirely about using common sense. just the 100 hours of supervised practice only and found the professional instruction was related to a reduction in crash risk of 50% - 80% (1. 5 to 1. 8 less crash risk)" Snow said. "In addition, in this study, parent overall support for GDL policies and teen adherence to provisional licensure requirements was related to a reduction in teen crashes of 40% to 100% (1. " "I don't see racing as much," Ward said. "But there is competitive driving among some of the kids. "We are planning to teach them the habit of searching, to have time to make a plan to react to any problems they may encounter when they are driving. " Stubby Lyons, the SHS behind the wheel driver education instructor hopes the students take away one important element from the class. "I had friends that used to race to school in the mornings," Colley said. "Safety," Lyons said. "You live to drive and drive to live. There are really no accidents out there. I see people wanting to drift. " According to the ODOT studies, in 1998, 1,195 16-year-old drivers were involved in a fatal or injury crash. In 2000, 898 16-year-old drivers were involved in a fatal or injury crash, 24. 9% reduction. "It was hard at first," she said. "Studies show that the GDL, combined with professional driver education, reduces crashes and fatalities substantially. 4 to 2 times less crash risk). " But the SHS students agree that media hype often leads to dangerous teen attitudes behind the wheel. " Ward figures the drifting craze and competitive driving is fueled by movies like "Fast and Furious. "In one study we commissioned back in 2006 to see how GDL was going, we compared teen drivers who completed driver education vs. "I know a few people that have had concussions and other injuries that are still affecting them. " Another advantage of the teen driving training hits the pocketbook. " Foust said each student has the opportunity to learn skills that can become habits. " Shelly Snow, Oregon Department of Transportation public affairs representative, said the reduction in Oregon teen driver crashes and fatalities is directly linked to the state's Graduated Driver Licensing for teens law (GDL) which was adopted in 1999. "We've seen a general downward trend in Oregon, thank goodness, ever since the legislature approved graduated driver licensing for teens," Snow said. "But now that I use reference points, it's a lot easier than I thought. In 1998, 1,494 17-year-old drivers were involved in a fatal or injury crash. In 2000, 1,201 17-year-old drivers were involved in a fatal or injury crash, a 19. 8% reduction. As the students progress in the class, Seaside High School is reimbursed by ODOT. "The school gets $210 for every student that is certified," Foust said.


Teen driving crashes increase nationally, drop in Oregon

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 08/03/2012


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